Board Meeting Notes 2010-10-30
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Attending: Steph, Far, Jack, Jordan, Not Attending: Adam E.
Officer Reports
- 1.1 Quartermaster - Brendan[]
- No Update as of the meeting, but some clear visible changes around the space and it's layout.
- 1.2 Book Keeper
- Below update is from Adam
- assumed responsibilities of record keeping after philip resigned
- created Venmo account and spoke with their bizdev dude about joint projects. we currently have a merchant account with a transaction charge of 3.5%. hoping to improve this, but it's no worse than other processing providers. plan to test payments manually for November
- updated existing transaction/membership form to allow for interaction from custom scripts, allowing us to charge dues automatically and have a single point where anyone can view current membership status.
- contacted deadbeat members about paying dues. 2 still outstanding, will be terminated on 10/31.
- 1.3 Chief Technological Officer (CTO) - Adam K.
- moved callbox/asterisk system to managed colo system. seems to be functioning
- repaired the makerbot twice. supposedly needs repaired again.
- evaluated web-based accounting systems. project on hold while we evaluate payment vendors
- created scripts to display up-to-date membership dues and facilitate manual charges, integrates with existing google doc and venmo
- 1.4 Secretary - Chris T.
- No Update as of the meeting
- 1.5 Instigator - Far
- email update, some info
- 1.6 Events Coordinator - Jack Zylkin
- Not much to report, no info on those events. Events are happening once in a while on their own.
Finances update
- Talked about financial status. Brainstormed some ideas for incentives
people for running classes, and for getting stuff on ebay.
Annual Report
- Report of a year of events, required for a 501(C)3 . 10+ pages of budget, events, projects, accomplishments, etc. Steph is interested in writing an Annual Report, and would like some help doing it.
Officer Status
- Bookkeeper
- Trouble getting bookkeeper. Bookkeepers, A big part of the solution is to automate the system. Discussion of Automation, probably part of the solution.
- Solution looks to be automation, and simplifying the system. Get a comptroller for a 2010 wrap up. Jack offered to help with bookkeeping starting now, to get up to speed.
- Instigator
- A little burnt out, a little frustrated. Need to take a break and do some projects instead of management, etc. Job is a bit bigger/complex than expected, and is taking a lot of time. Expected continued involvement, but not as instigator for a while.
- Bookkeeper
Elections of Officers/Board
- Suggest to Management Run election for Bookkeeper/Instigator ASAP
- Bylaws are unclear on board terms although it was clear from discussion/planning* it should be a 2 year term. Bylaws were updated to reflect this intent.**
* **
What's up for 2011?
How do we make more stuff for 2011? What should we do? How do we get members psyched up for 2010 stuff? Basic Skills Classes? As a member driven group, it's based on member wants/needs/desires. How do we get members excited for cool events.
General Activity Levels
- This was covered a lot by the 2011 topic.
- General Tasks:
- Electronics Waste Bucket/Pike/Shelf (Jack)
- Board Tasks:
- Get PO Box on website (Far)
- Send members a finances update. (Step)
- Board Discussion: Members can apply 1/4 of class income directly towards their own dues.
- E-bay sell stuff via Dan/Etc (Jack)
- Add to Events Coord job job list "Write thank you notes to people that run classes/events."
- Board & Officer snack/dinner (Far)
- Collect Phone/addresses for hive members (Far)
- Ping Chris on monthly update email (Jordan)
- Work on Annual Report. Due date is Feb. 15 2011 (Steph, Jordan to help)
- Hire a Part Time Comptroller for a 2010 wrap-up one-shot review. (Steph)
- Make a Blog post about the board meeting (Jordan)
- Note to Offices about doing elections (Far)
- Write an email to Georgia (of the Hacktory) to invite the two boards/officers to meet in Jan. to talk about what the two groups can do to work together. (Steph)