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We make things awesome, and we make awesome things.

Hive76 is a Hackerspace, Makerspace, Collaborative Workshop, and in Philadelphia. We are a member run group of artists, engineers, makers, and inventors with a collective workshop space. Hive is 100% owned and operated by our members, and provides resources to make awesome things and find great friends to tinker with.

Get Involved Learn More

General Information

We are a Hackerspace residing the East Kensington section of Philadelphia! We moved recently, so please excuse any outdated information referring to the The Bok Building, South Philadelphia, or the 915 Arts building. If you want to get involved and interact with our people join our Discussion List, or find out how to become a member at Membership Information. Or you can check out the FAQ. Stop by our channel on #hive76 or

Location, Parking, and Getting In

Hive76 is currently headquartered in the East Kensington area of Philadelphia, within the Hagert Lofts building 1821 E Hagert St, Suite 100C, Philadelphia, PA 19125, We're easy to get to by car, bike, or from the SEPTA Market-Frankford Line (3 blocks northeast from York-Dauphin Station). Street parking is available on several streets around the building. Our main entrance is on Jasper Street - it is the stairs and door to the right.

Open House

Our space is open to the public on Sundays from 2 PM to 5 PM. Feel free to bring a project you are working on, get advice, meet our members, and get a tour of the space and tools. We are open almost every Sunday, except for major holidays.

Mission Statement

Hive76 is a community of makers and crafters organized around a shared workspace. We enable our members to invent, build, collaborate, and share skills. We promote science education and the do-it-yourself spirit in our greater community to enable people to make things awesome and make awesome things.

What we do to accomplish our mission

Our battle cry is "Make things awesome, make awesome things!"

  • We provide members with 24/7 access to a large workspace.
  • We share tools, materials, and knowledge with each other.
  • We run skill-shares, classes, and other events for the benefit of the community.
  • We incubate, encourage, and provide resources to entrepreneurs and inventors.
  • We make decisions democratically, and aim to better ourselves and our community through collective efforts.
  • We welcome non-members every week to our Open House, where anyone can stop by to work on a project.
  • We volunteer resources to local DIYers, artists, and businesses who want assistance with their creative endeavors.
  • We hang out, have fun, and enjoy the company of exciting, inventive, interesting, generally awesome people.

If you are interested in joining us, check out Membership Information, stop by open house, or drop an email to with the subject "Membership" and we will get back to you ASAP with more details about how to join.

Space and Tools

We have about 1200 square feet of hackerspace, including:

  • drillpress
  • 45W Laser Cutter
  • solder and rework station
  • well-stocked inventory of electronics components
  • a projector and screen
  • thickness planer
  • bandsaw
  • circular saw
  • microcontroller and raspberry pi dev boards
  • and much, much more

Our space is open to visitors every Sunday (starting at 2pm), and it's open to core members and basic members 24/7.

Our Name

Hive76 was founded and named in the summer of 2009. There are several references in the name to hacker, maker, and Philadelphia culture.


Hive comes from hope that we can be as active, and coordinated group, and the similarities between the emergent behavior of networks and electronics and natural systems of insects. Bees (and a Hive) are also essential parts of cross-fertilization and management of a garden or growing space. Simaraly, DIY and hackerspaces are an essential part of an 'innovation system', and groups like Homebrew Computer Club have been key in innovation, which results in a better world, and a booming city. Someone came up with the backronym Hackers, Inventors, Volunteers, Educators, which is a pretty good explanation of what we do.


76 is a call out to the Spirit of 1776, as a reminder that our goals as a DIY space echo the goals the founders of the United State of America. Both groups aimed to be a group of equals working to meet a common need, and serve a common good. The idea that working together we can do things that we could never pull off working alone.

Member Information

If you're interested in membership, check out Membership Information to see what level of involvement works for you. For members, you can scope out the Owners Manual.

Wiki Access

If you are a current member and would like edit access to the wiki, email for an account.


Hive76 attempts to keep a good balance of space and stuff. We are not currently accepting hardware donations, but if you have something rare/odd/vintage that you think we must see/have, please email us: